Contend - because there's always something worth fighting for.

Contend Collective’s mission is to offer hope and equip people for the journey of transformation - empowering them to contend for themselves and others.

The vision for Contend Collective is to purposefully provide resources and opportunities for those in vulnerable situations to overcome adversity. Children in the foster care system are our target population emphasizing restoration and transformation through mentorship, community partnerships, and commercial co-ventures.

Meet the founder

Tia Evans

Tia is the founder of Contend Co. The mission of Contend is where creativity and compassion collide. She is responsible for the creation of the hand-crafted, fine jewelry pieces. While holding space for her God given talent, she also pursues Kingdom work by partnering with local, foster care initiatives. Her heart is to offer hope to these young people in the midst of their transitions. Life brings adversity in all forms - but it becomes our duty to partner with them in healing from hardship; to contend.

So, what will YOU contend for?